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Caring Team Meeting

The Caring Team most recently discussed our food collection offering (the food basket) and decided to inquire with the new Sharon Social Worker.  Maggie determined that Melia would be most welcome to our offering, and we could deliver whenever suited our schedule.  The Caring Team will continue to discuss this ministry and how to be more effective.  Campbell has some great ideas that we will be exploring. 

Melia also stated that these items are in short supply:


Laundry detergent

Dish washing detergent


Toilet paper

Condensed milk

Powdered milk

Gluten free foods

Sodium or low sodium foods

Sugar free or low sugar foods


And these items are always appreciated:

Cooking oil

Salt, pepper and spices


Tea bags and canned coffee

Boxes of sugar

Boxes of crackers

Cans of tuna, salmon or chicken

December 10


December 14

Bible/Book Study