OUR PASTOr Rev. J. Dawson Miller

Pastor Dawson is a second career pastor who has served in several churches and in a number of roles, in the Midwest, over the past 22 years. He is a graduate of Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL with a degree in Communications. He returned to continue his education at Covenant Seminary in St Louis, MO where he earned his MDiv in 2006 and was ordained in October of that year in the Presbyterian Church in America.

Dawson and Dayna his wife are high school sweethearts and celebrated their 40th anniversary on May 26 of 2024. They have three grown children living across the United States. A daughter and her husband in Brooklyn, NY, a son in Chicago and a son and his wife and their three children currently in Virginia Beach VA. where he serves as an Army Chaplain.

Dayna and Dawson are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Sharon Congregational Church and are eagerly engaged to see how the Lord will use Sharon Congregational to encourage families, to care for one another and to be a witness of the Love of God who sent His own Son to our debt, the price for our sins which separated us from Him. This will happen as members of Sharon Congregatonal Church “Know Christ and Make Christ Known.”.

You can reach Pastor Dawson at PastorDawson06@yahoo.com