Caring Team
The purpose of the Caring Team is to facilitate acts of compassion and kindness by making known opportunities to serve one another and by encouraging and enabling visiting, listening, and supporting one another in times of need.
If you’re interested in serving or have ideas for our Caring Team, email TJ Murtagh at
Our team has identified a need and is working to meet it. We all face times of grief in our lives. It can be painful, overwhelming, and confusing. The Caring Team has decided to create a grief support group led by Laura Koerner and JoAnn Carman. They will use Stephen Ministries materials, Journeying Through Grief. Stay tuned as we prepare to offer this God-inspired special ministry.
A food collection basket will be in the entryway each week for an offering—please consider donating non-perishable items when you can.
Bob Slagel started a wonderful "soup kitchen" ministry. When he prepares soup for Bible study, he always makes extra. What is left is packaged and labeled in quart containers and put in the freezer. If you know of anyone who might benefit from a quart of love, let TJ know. We can arrange to have it delivered. Whether you need relief from dental work, the flu or a simple pick-me-up, Bob's soup is the ticket.
The Caring Team most recently discussed our food collection offering (the food basket) and decided to inquire with the new Sharon Social Worker. Maggie determined that Melia would be most welcome to our offering, and we could deliver whenever suited our schedule. The Caring Team will continue to discuss this ministry and how to be more effective. Campbell has some great ideas that we will be exploring.
Melia also stated that these items are in short supply:
Laundry detergent
Dish washing detergent
Toilet paper
Condensed milk
Powdered milk
Gluten free foods
Sodium or low sodium foods
Sugar free or low sugar foods
And these items are always appreciated:
Cooking oil
Salt, pepper and spices
Tea bags and canned coffee
Boxes of sugar
Boxes of crackers
Cans of tuna, salmon or chicken