27 October 2021

Due to increased cases of Covid in our area, the re-entry task force now strongly recommends wearing masks at all services at Sharon Congregational Church. Please also remember to keep social distance between you and those outside your family unit.

We thank you for your vigilance throughout this period.

Ray Conti 
Judy Hardy 
Shari Marks 
TJ Murtagh 
Pastor Bob 

20 October 2021

This Thursday (Oct 21) we resume our in-person Bible studies. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall 6:30-7:30. We're looking forward to seeing you again!

For those who cannot be here in-person, we will be uploading the studies to the church website so that you can watch. We hope to upload them quickly, but please be patient with us.

We will be exercising our bible study skills by studying the book of Revelation--that is, we will use our study of Revelation as a model of proper bible study methods--discovering the structure of the book, tracing the major ideas and themes of the book, and highlighting the message of the book through that structure and those themes.

We will provide bibles--but bring your own if you want.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Pastor Bob

9 June 2021

The Re-Entry Task Force has met and considered the surveys you completed. Thank you for your enthusiastic return of responses.   

All of us have learned much about safety measures in preventing the spread of viruses, and we are confident that this knowledge will continue to guide our individual practices and will lessen the risk of colds and flu in their seasons.    

The RTF has decided that beginning immediately masks will be optional for Sunday worship services.  

We will re-introduce the Responsive Reading and Congregational Prayers beginning on June 20. Congregational singing will resume in July—at the same time we revert to summer hours. During July and August, the worship service will begin at 10am. 

This Sunday, all pew cushions will be replaced, but we ask that you please still keep social distance in mind when choosing a seat. For now, offering plates will remain at the back of the sanctuary and we will not be sharing communion. At a later date, we will revisit our discussion on safely adding these elements to the service. 

We thank you for your continued patience.

Ray Conti 
Judy Hardy 
Shari Marks 
TJ Murtagh 
Pastor Bob 

24 February 2021

There is good news about the coronavirus and our ability to gather safely for worship. Vaccinations have begun and are taking place according to state guidelines. See below.

In view of these State plans to vaccinate, we plan to resume in-person worship on Easter Sunday, April 4, at 10:30.

When we resume in-person gatherings we will continue safe practices, and these will be explained in more detail soon.

We look forward to seeing you again to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

Pastor Bob
Ray Conti
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks
TJ Murtaugh

COVID-19 Update
30 November 2020

As COVID-19 case numbers rise in our area, the re-entry task force met this week to consider our services and the precautions we’ve taken while gathering. The decision was made to continue Sunday morning services for those who are comfortable attending. While continuing to follow state guidelines and our current plan, we fully understand some of you will choose to stay home and listen to our services online, and that is okay!

The task force has, however, made the difficult decision to not hold a Christmas Eve service this year. In place of an in-person service, “lessons and carols” will be pre-recorded to create an online Christmas Eve service. We will greatly miss this time together, as we know you will too.

Thank you all for closely following our re-entry guidelines and for taking care of each other during this time. Please let us know if you need anything. We look forward to the day we will all be safely together again.

Pastor Bob
Ray Conti
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks
T.J. Murtagh

30 September 2020

According to the current guidelines (Phase 2) on indoor gatherings, religious groups are allowed 25% capacity (capped at 100 people). Private, recreational, and social gatherings are capped at 25 people. When discussing these guidelines, our re-entry task force recognized that 25% capacity of our sanctuary is more than 25 people, but that it is probably wise for us to adhere to the guidelines on social gatherings in general. There was no explanation given why religious groups were given greater allowance than other social groups. 

On September 24 Governor Lamont announced that Phase 3 of reopening will begin on October 8. At that time indoor religious gatherings will be restricted to 50% capacity (capped at 200), and commercial establishments will be restricted to 50% capacity (capped at 100). Masks and social distancing will still be required for religious groups. 

Given this greater allowance, we would like to know your thoughts about returning to church. We’ll phone you soon to hear your thoughts about the following:

•       Is it your hope and plan to return to our Sunday worship services soon? 

•       What do you expect of Sunday worship service when you return?

  • Do the required precautions (masks, distancing) make it more likely or less likely for you to return? 

  • Does singing make it more likely or less likely for you to return?

•       Have you listened to or watched the services online? 

•       What can we do to help you?

•       Do you have any other concerns?

We realize that we’re living in unprecedented times. We appreciate your patience and continuing support. We’re doing our best to get through these days. 

Connecticut Guidelines can be found at the following website: https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2020/092020/Governor-Lamont-Announces-Connecticut-Moves-Toward-Phase-3Reopening-on-October-8

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Outdo yourselves in honoring one another.
Romans 12.10

Pastor Bob
Ray Conti
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks
T.J. Murtagh

25 August 2020

The time has come for Sharon Congregational Church to resume gathering in our beautiful sanctuary for Sunday worship! 

We have always celebrated the Sunday after Labor Day as the start of a new season, and we continue that tradition this year by returning to the sanctuary for worship on Sunday, September 13, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.  

The re-entry task force has been following advice from national, state, and local leaders and has prepared the church building for our re-entry. There will be many differences in our worship, and you will notice some new features as soon as you enter the building. Those changes and new features are explained here. Please read them carefully so you will be familiar with expectations when we regather. As time goes on and the health risks continue to lessen we will continue to return to our more typical practices.  

We ask that those who are in the high-risk category due to age or health condition refrain from regathering right now and continue taking advantage of online services.  

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, September 13, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. 

Pastor Bob
Ray Conti 
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks 
T.J. Murtagh  

24 July 2020

As we reported last month, we are working toward in-person services when the State of Connecticut moves to Phase 3 of their reopen plan. In particular, we are looking to CT to increase the number of people allowed at indoor gatherings from 25 to 50. We expected this move in July, but the governor has wisely delayed Phase 3 due to the spikes in COVID cases in other states--so we wait too. As always, our biggest concern is the well-being of our church family and we encourage you to reach out if there is any need the church can help you with. Our building may be closed, but the church is always open.

Pastor Bob
Ray Conti
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks
TJ Murtagh

25 June 2020 

The re-entry task force has been meeting weekly to discuss how and when Sharon Congregational Church should return to gathered worship services. Our goal is to find an appropriate balance in fulfilling our responsibility to love God and neighbor. Our main concerns, therefore, are to provide continuing spiritual support without creating unnecessary risks. We are encouraged by reports that the number of cases in our region is dropping. However, we are aware that other regions are seeing increasing numbers, and that such numbers are the result of too-early openings and a lack of social distancing. We are well aware that church and synagogue services have been super-spreader events. Our plans during Phase 2 of Connecticut Reopening include:

  • Continued provision of Bible study and short video

  • Sunday worship service online with audio/video. 

  • Fellowship events on Zoom

We are working toward re-entry when Connecticut begins Phase 3. We also want to remind you that the government funded Paycheck Protection Program has now ended. Church giving continues through checks and PayPal. Thank you for your continued support. 

We appreciate your prayers,
Pastor Bob
Ray Conti
Judy Hardy
Shari Marks
TJ Murtagh

20 May 2020

As we consider the timing and process of resuming in-person gatherings, our decisions and procedures must be based on (1) the best medical and scientific data available, (2) state and local community guidance, and (3) our own preparedness to maintain the safety of our congregants and our wider community.

Whatever decisions we make will reflect our attitude toward our neighbors. That attitude must reflect God’s concern and love for our neighbors. In this light, we have formed a re-entry task force that will be preparing us for a timely and appropriate way to meet together again in our lovely meeting house.

We have not stopped being a church during this pandemic. The church is about people and relationships. While the task force is at work, we will continue to do what we are doing and seeking alternative ways to connect and nurture our relationships.

We hope to see you all in person very soon!

COVID-19 News
15 March 2020

As COVID-19 threatens to affect our community, we have made the decision to close our church building for two weeks. There will be no Sunday services, no Bible studies, and no meetings taking place in the building during this time. We made this decision out of a public health obligation to slow the spread of the coronavirus. If there is anything you need while navigating this unusual period, please email Pastor Bob at rkeayjr@gmail.com or Terri Conti at info@sharoncongregationalchurch.org. 

Pastor Bob reminded us this morning that we need to trust God, exercise faith and pray. This builds confidence that God is working through our human responses, protects us against exaggerating the threat, and reminds us that we are members of a caring community.   

Take good care!